Updated 28th Nov 2024.
It’s still spring and hay fever season!
Currently active with
Exploring Faith Matters (Education for Ministry) program, a four year journey into the christian faith.
Feeling into a training regime for ultra long distance cycling – meaning getting my backside used to being the bike for longer hours, day after day. With some nutrition, mindset, strength and flexibility training to prop it up.
Contemplating the intersections of Adventure sport, theology and spiritual direction. Partly as a support for my own training, but also with an eye on a possible area of chaplaincy.
Heading towards
I’m off to Assisi in January 25, flights are booked and I’m pretty excited, if a little daunted. As of the 28th of November, 40 days to go!
Committed to riding the 2025 Indian Pacific Wheel Ride, starting 0622hrs, 15 Mar at South Mole Lighthouse Fremantle – 15 weeks to go!
Haven’t really talked about the two loops yet, around Australia and then the Planet, baby steps!
Harvey, L. (2014). A brief theology of sport. Scm Press.
Barry, W. A., & Connolly, W. J. (2009). The practice of spiritual direction. Harperone.
Merton, T. (1960). Spiritual direction & meditation. Liturgical Press.
Lamenting the oft very poor typographic quality in print on demand books! Far to often having blurred, splotchy type with poor ink consistency – should not be allowed!